The WI

Weston on the Green’s WI has a long history. The first meeting was in 1920 and from then until the 1960s the institute provided an opportunity for women to improve their knowledge of the world, have fun together and fight for improvements in our rural community, especially during a time when being self sufficient was essential rather than an ideal. During WWII the ladies continued to meet and were active in many schemes to 'make do and mend', another ideal which has come full circle.

By the 1960s, the institute, although well supported and with adequate funds, folded beacuse of a lack of members able and willing to serve on the committee. It was reformed after almost three years, when an influx of new young families came to the village with the completion of Westlands Avenue. Since then, with a membership of usually around 30, there has been support for many local and national schemes - footpaths, a new village hall, waste bins and much more. Together our members have also raised thousands of pounds for local charities. Supporting our institute financially became a shared effort and for many years we provided catering for events and parties.

The WI meets at the Village Hall on the third Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm.

In addition there are theatre and other visits, plus occasional coffee mornings and lunches.

Regular monthly events also take place:

  • Craft afternoon: 4th Monday at 2.00pm
  • Walks: 2nd Monday at 1.30pm

Whilst these are WI initiatives you don’t need to be a member to take part.

The WI would like to invite all ladies to join and there are already several members from Bletchingdon. If you are new to either village its a great way to make new friends, or if a long time resident, please give us a try you will be very welcome.

Please contact the WI secretary Lyn Barnett on 01869 350707 / if you would like more information.