
Planning applications can be viewed via the Cherwell District Council Planning Register or by visiting Cherwell District Council Offices in Bodicote, Banbury.

For more information relating to the following planning issues: listed buildings, Conservation Area and Oxford Green Belt please see this information document.

The Planning Portal is provided by The Department for Communities and Local Government placeholder(DCLG) and provides a wealth of information on planning and building regulations. If you are intending to make changes to your property, whether it be to build an extension, erect a garden shed, demolish a building or fit solar panels on your roof, all the information you need is on this portal. There is an interactive guide which allows you to see what the planning requirements are, if any, for your project.

Conservation & Heritage

Much of the village settlement is contained within the designated Weston on the Green Conservation Area, which identifies the area as being of special architectural and historic interest, with character and appearance that is desirable to preserve and enhance. If your property is within the conservation area, additional planning controls apply to development and you will have to obtain permission before making changes which would normally be permitted elsewhere.

Residents should also be aware of the design code for new buildings as set out in the Weston on the Green Neighbourhood Plan, which also includes planning policies specific to our Parish.

Applications for Planning Permission

Planning permission can only be granted by the planning department of Cherwell District Council and all planning applications must be submitted to them.
Applications will sometimes be dealt with by the planning committee but can be dealt with by a planning officer under delegated powers. An application and any objections thereto, will be considered only in respect of planning regulations.
However, if the planning committee or planning officer feels that there are other issues to be taken into account such as building, water or highways regulations, these may be referred to the relevant department or authority. As a result of this, even if an application is given permission, it may be subject to conditions laid down under these other regulations.
Persons who may be affected by a development have the right to object but only on grounds of planning regulations, although they may raise issues covered by building, water, highway or other regulations so that the relevant departments or authorities can be made aware. Objections to planning applications need to be made in writing to the relevant planning officer by the advertised deadline.
Members of the public can view planning applications at the offices of Cherwell District Council in Bodicote, Banbury. Planning applications can also be viewed online at the District Council's planning portal.

Works on Trees and Hedges - A Primer


Some trees are protected by tree preservation orders (TPOs), which means that, in general, you need Cherwell District Council's consent for ANY works via a planning application.

In addition, there are controls over many other trees in a Conservation Area, which covers most of Weston on the Green. Here there is legal protection of all trees with a trunk/stem diameter greater than 75mm at 1.5m above ground level. Again Cherwell District Council’s consent via a planning application is required.

If you are unsure about the status of trees which you intend to prune or fell (or you simply require further information) you should contact Cherwell District Council: or the Arboricultural Officer on 01295 221708.


The use and nature of hedges can be controlled through planning conditions and legal covenants.

You don't normally need permission to plant a hedge in your garden and there are no laws that say how high you can grow your hedge.

However, you are responsible for looking after any hedge on your property and for making sure it is not a nuisance to anyone else.

If a hedge does adversely affect the owners/occupiers of an adjoining domestic property then they may be able to take action through the high hedges complaints system introduced by the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003. The complaints system specifies the type of hedge and the adverse effects that it covers. If you have concerns about the effect a hedge is having on your property you should contact Cherwell District Council to see whether the High Hedges complaints system is applicable to your circumstances.

Role of the Parish Council in Planning Applications

All applications for planning permission are notified to the Parish Council and will be discussed at a Parish Council meeting. Prior to this meeting a parish councillor will have inspected the planning application documents, visited the site of the proposed development and, where possible, spoken with nearby affected residents to identify any problems or issues arising.
It must be noted that the Parish Council does not have the power to grant or refuse planning permission.

Cherwell Local Plan (2011-2031)

The Adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 (Part 1) contains strategic planning policies for development and the use of land. It forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Cherwell to which regard must be given in the determination of plannning applications.

The Cherwell Local Plan is currently under review. The existing adopted Cherwell Local Plan provides a framework for growth across the District up to 2031. The new Plan is intended to cover the period to 2040.

A consultation document was published asking for views and contributions to help shape the new local plan following the publication of the first Community Involvement Paper in 2020: Planning for Cherwell – Community Involvement Paper 2: Developing our Options.

Weston on the Green Parish Council's response to the consultation can be found below:

Oxfordshire Plan 2050

As part of the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal agreement with the Government, the six Oxfordshire authorities – Cherwell District Council, Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire County Council, South Oxfordshire District Council, Vale of White Horse District Council and West Oxfordshire District Council - committed to producing a joint statutory spatial plan (JSSP), known as the Oxfordshire Plan 2050.

The Oxfordshire Plan 2050 was to provide an integrated strategic planning framework and evidence base to support sustainable growth across the county to 2050, including the planned delivery of new homes and economic development, and the anticipated supporting infrastructure needed.

Following a lack of agreement between local authorities regarding housing targets the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 was cancelled in 2022.