Parish Council Meeting Dates

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 7th August 2024, 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Members of the public are very welcome to attend the public meeting.

If you have a query or comment but do not wish to join the public meeting you are very welcome to email your comments through to the clerk who will ensure they are included in the public participation section.

Parish Council meeting dates for 2024: 9th January, 7th February, 6th March, 3rd April, 1st May (including Annual PC Meeting), 5th June, 3rd July, 7th August, 4th September, 2nd October, 6th November, 4th December

Parish Council Agenda and Papers

Parish Council meeting papers are issued to Councillors 3 working days before the next meeting.

A copy of the agenda will be available on the parish noticeboard outside the Village Hall and this website at this time. A full set of papers is available below.

Please note that as part of the Council's committment to the environment meeting papers will no longer be printed for Parish Council meetings. If any member of the public would like to obtain a paper version of the meeting papers please contact the clerk on: or 01869 350282 and she will happily provide the required documents.

2024 Meetings

9th January 2024

Agenda - 9 Jan 24 / Minutes - 9 Jan 24

REPORTS: Clerks Report - 9 Jan 24, Budget/Precept Request FY 2024-25: (Overview 24-25, Breakdown 24-25), Planning Report - 9 Jan 24, CDC Jan 24 Report

7th February 2024

Agenda - 7 Feb 24 / Minutes - 7 Feb 24

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 7 Feb 24, Internal Auditor Interim Report Q3 2023-24, PC Accounts (Summary Q3 FY 2023-24, Bank Rec Q3 FY 2023-24, Income Q3 FY 2023-24), Planning Report - 7 Feb 24, Councillor Simpson OCC/CDC Report - Feb 24

6th March 2024

Agenda - 6 March 24 / Minutes - 6 March 24

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 6 March 24, Planning Report - 6 March 24, Draft Risk Register Feb 24

3rd April 2024

Agenda - 3 April 24 / Minutes - 3 April 24

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 3 Apr 24, Initial Gigaclear Survey Results April 24, Planning Report - 3 Apr 24

15th April 2024: Annual Parish Meeting

Annual PC Report - April 2024 / Annual Parish Meeting Draft Minutes - 15 April 24

1st May 2024: Annual Parish Council Meeting

Annual PC Agenda - 1 May 24 /Annual PC Minutes - 1 May 24

REPORTS: Advisory Groups Terms of Reference (Finance, Governance, Planning, Staffing, Technology, Traffic Calming & Transport, Works), Draft Standing Orders 24/25, Draft Financial Regulations 24/25, Draft Donations Policy 24/25, Asset Register as at 31 March 24,ICO direct debit set up confirmation, PWLB Loan Statement March 24

1st May 2024: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 1 May 24 /Minutes - 1 May 24

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 1 May 24, Gigaclear Final 2024 survey results, Planning Report - 1 May 24

5th June 2024: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 5 June 24 / Minutes - 5 June 24

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 5 June 25, Planning Report - 5 June 24, Internal Audit Report 2023/24, AGAR Form 2023/24, OCC Councillor Simpson May 24 Report

3rd July 2024: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 3 July 24 / Draft Minutes - 3 July 24

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 3 July 24, Planning Report - 3 July 24,Schoolfield - 3 July 24, Traffic Group - 3 July 24, Weston Airfield Concern - 3 July 24, Gigaclear - 3 July 24, Dignity at Work Policy 24, Grievance Policy 24, Disciplinary Policy 24, Social Media & Communications Policy 24

2023 Meetings

10th January 2023

Agenda - 10 Jan 23 / Minutes - 10 Jan 23

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 10 Jan 23, Works Report - 10 Jan 23, Budget/Precept Request FY 2023-24: (Overview 23-24, Breakdown 23-24), Councillor Vacancy Procedure Jan 23, Internal Controls Policy Jan 23, Asset Register Jan 2023, Planning Report - 10 Jan 23

1st February 2023

Agenda - 1 Feb 23 / Minutes - 1 Feb 23

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 1 Feb 23, Works Report - 1 Feb 23, Insurance Community Bus Report, Planning Report - 1 Feb 23, PC Accounts (Summary Q3 FY 2022-23, Bank Rec Q3 FY 2022-23, Income Q3 FY 2022-23), Internal Auditor Jan 23 Report, PC Report on Internal Audit Jan 23

15th February 2023: Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 15 Feb 23 / Minutes - 15 Feb 23

1st March 2023

Agenda - 1 March 23 /Minutes - 1 March 23

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 1 Mar 23, Planning Report - 1 Mar 23, Works Report - 1 Mar 23, Draft Risk Register Mar 23

5th April 2023

Agenda - 5 April 23 / Minutes - 5 April 23

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 5 Apr 23, Playground Report - 5 Apr 23, Planning Report - 5 Apr 23, North Lane Footpath Arboricultural Consultant: Sylva Quote & Footpath Report, Independent Renumeration Report 2023

18th April 2023: Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Parish Meeting Minutes - 18 Apr 23

21st April 2023: Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 21 April 23 / Minutes - 21 April 23

3rd May 2023: Annual Parish Council Meeting

Agenda, Annual - 3 May 23 / Annual PC Minutes - 3 May 23

REPORTS: Code of Conduct 2023, Standing Orders 2023-24, Financial Regulations 2023-24, Donations Policy 2023-24, Press & Media Policy, Asset Register May 2023, Insurance Quote Summary - May 2023, PWLB 31 March 2023 Loan Statement

3rd May 2023: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 3 May 23 / Minutes - 3 May 23

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 3 May 23, Planning Report - 3 May 23, PC Accounts (Summary Q4 FY 2022-23, Bank Rec Q4 FY 2022-23, Income Q4 FY 2022-23)

7th June 2023: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 7 June 23 / Minutes - 7 June 23

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 7 June 23, Playing field & Playground Report - 7 June 23, Planning Report - 7 June 23, Internal Audit Report 2022/23, AGAR Form 2022/23, Data Protection Policy, FOI - Publication Scheme, Document Retention Policy

5th July 2023: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 5 July 23 / Minutes - 5 July 23

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 5 July 23, Playing Field Report - 5 July 23, Planning Report - 5 July 23, Schoolfield Proposal, Parish Liaison June 23 Meeting, OCC Training Day, Neighbourhood Watch & Police Liason Update July 23

2nd August 2023: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 2 August 23 / Minutes - 2 August 23

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 2 Aug 23, Playing Field Report - 2 Aug 23, Planning Report - 2 August 23

6th September 2023: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 6 Sept 23 / Minutes - 6 Sept 2023

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 6 Sept 23, Playing Field Report - 6 Sept 23, Planning Report - 6 Sept 23, External Auditor Report 2022-23

4th October 2023: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 4 Oct 2023 / Minutes - 4 Oct 2023

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 4 Oct 23, Playing Field Report - 4 Oct 23, Planning Report - 4 Oct 23

1st November 2023: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 1 Nov 2023 / Minutes - 1 Nov 2023

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 1 Nov 23, Playing Field Report - 1 Nov 23, Planning Report - 1 Nov 23, Councillor Simpson Report - Nov 23, PC Accounts (Summary Q2 FY 2023-24, Bank Rec Q2 FY 2023-24, Income Q2 FY 2023-24)

6th December 2023: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 6 Dec 2023 / Minutes - 6 Dec 2023

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 6 Dec 23, Planning Report - 6 Dec 23, Councillor Simpson Report - Dec 23

2022 Meetings

5th January 2022:

Agenda - 5 Jan 22 / Minutes - 5 Jan 22

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 5 Jan 22, Budget/Precept Request FY 2022-23: (Overview, Breakdown), Planning Report - 5 Jan 22, Works Report - 5 Jan 22, CEE Bill Summary

24th January 2022: Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 24 January 22 /Minutes - 24 Jan 22

2nd February 2022:

Agenda - 2 Feb 22 / Minutes - 2 Feb 22

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 2 Feb 22, CEE Bill Summary, Dog Litter Bags Report, PC Accounts (Summary Q3 FY 2021-22, Bank Rec Q3 FY 2021-22, Income Q3 FY 2021-22), Planning Report - 2 Feb 22

2nd March 2022:

Agenda - 2 March 22 / Minutes - 2 March 22

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 2 March 22, OCC Feb 22 Report, Works Report - 2 March 22, Planning Report - 2 March, Welcome Back Fund Report

6th April 2022:

Agenda - 6 April 22 / Minutes - 6 April 22

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 6 April 22, Works Report - 6 April 22, PC Accounts (Summary Q4 FY 2021-22, Bank Rec Q4 FY 2021-22, Income Q4 FY 2021-22), Renumeration Panel Report 2022,PC Laptop Purchase Report,Planning Report - 6 April 22

27th April 2022: Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Parish Meeting Minutes - 27 Apr 22

10th May 2022: Annual Parish Council Meeting

Agenda, Annual - 10 May 22 / Annual PC Minutes - 10 May 22

REPORTS: Code of Conduct 2022, Donations Policy 22-23, Asset Register 2022

10th May 2022: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 10 May 22 / Minutes - 10 May 22

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 10 May 22, Works Report - 10 May 22, Planning Report - 10 May 22

13th June 2022: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 13 June 22 / Minutes - 13 June 22

REPORTS: Clerk Report -13 June 22, Works Report - 13 June 22, PC Response to Internal Audit Observations 22, AGAR Form 2021-22,Notice of Public Rights 2022, Planning Report - 13 June 22, Village Welcome Pack draft

6th July 2022: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 6 July 22 / Minutes - 6 July 22

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 6 July 22, PC Development Plan 21, Oxon Playing Fields Assoc Mtg, Planning Report - 6 July 22

3rd August 2022: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 3 August 22 / Minutes - 3 August 22

REPORTS:Clerk Report - 3 Aug 22, PC Accounts (Summary Q1 FY 2022-23, Bank Rec Q1 FY 2022-23, Income Q1 FY 2022-23), Emergency Cold Kits, Planning Report - 3 Aug 22

7th September 2022: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 7 Sept 22/ Minutes - 7 Sept 22

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 7 Sept 22, RoSPA Playground Inspection Report 2022, External Auditor Report FY 2021-22, Planning Report - 7 Sept 22

5th October 2022: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 5 Oct 22 / Minutes - 5 Oct 22

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 5 Oct 22, Works Report - 5 Oct 22, Civility & Respect Pledge Outline, Dignity at Work Policy Draft, Grievance Policy Draft, Planning Report - 5 Oct 22

2nd November 2022: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 2 Nov 22 / Minutes - 2 Nov 22

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 2 Nov 22, Works Report - 2 Nov 22, Spinney Tree Works, PC Accounts (Summary Q2 FY 2022-23, Bank Rec Q2 FY 2022-23, Income Q2 FY 2022-23), Internal Auditor Appointment 2022-23, Planning Report - 2 Nov 22

7th December 2022: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 7 Dec 22 / Minutes - 7 Dec 22

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 7 Dec 22, Works Report - 7 Dec 22, Planning Report - 7 Dec 22, Botley West Solar Farm Briefing Paper

2021 Meetings

6th January 2021:

Agenda - 6 Jan 21 / Minutes - 6 Jan 21

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 6 Jan 21, Great Wolf Update - 6 Jan 21, Budget/Precept Request FY 2021-22: (Overview, Breakdown), Planning Report - 6 Jan 21, Works Report - 6 Jan 21

3rd February 2021:

Agenda - 3 Feb 21 / Minutes - 3 Feb 21

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 3 Feb 21, Great Wolf Update - 3 Feb 21, Footpath Report - 3 Feb 21, OCC Parish Report Feb 21, Q3 20201-21 PC Accounts (Q3 20-21 Summary, Q3 20-21 Bank Rec), Planning Report - 3 Feb 21, Works Report - 3 Feb 21

15th February 2021 (Extraordinary Meeting):

Agenda - 15 Feb 21 / Minutes - 15 Feb 21

3rd March 2021:

Agenda - 3 March 21 / Minutes - 3 March 21

REPORTS:Clerk Report - 3 Mar 21, Planning Report - 3 Mar 21, Works Report - 3 Mar 21

7th April 2021:

Agenda - 7 April 21 / Minutes - 7 April 21

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 7 Apr 21, No Cold Calling Zone Report - 7 Apr 21, Q4 20201-21 PC Accounts (Q4 20-21 Summary, Q4 20-21 Bank Rec), Planning Report - 7 Apr 21, Works Report - 7 Apr 21

5th May 2021: Annual Parish Council Meeting

Annual Agenda - 5 May 21 /Annual PC Minutes - 5 May 21

5th May 2021: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 5 May 21 / Minutes - 5 May 21

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 5 May 21, Housing Needs Survey - 5 May 21, Planning Report - 5 May 21, Works Report - 5 May 21

26th May 2021: Planning Sub-Group Meeting

Agenda Planning - 26 May 21 / Planning Sub Group Minutes - 26 May 21

28th June 2021: Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 28 June 21 / Minutes - 28 June 21

REPORTS: PC Response to Internal Audit Observations, Section 1 AGAR 2021, Section 2 AGAR 2021

14th July 2021: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 14 July 21 / Minutes - 14 July 21

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 14 July 21, N Lane Pond Edging Repair, N Lane - Westlands Av footpath entrance repair, ICO Model Publication Scheme, Document Retention Policy, Planning Report - 14 July 21

1st September 2021: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 1 Sept 21 / Minutes - 1 Sept 21

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 1 Sept 21, Oak Tree Footpath Report, PC Accounts (Summary Q1 FY 2021-22, Bank Rec Q1 FY 2021-22), Playing Field Purchase Report, Parish Remuneration Report 21/22, Planning Report - 1 Sept 21, Climate Emergency 21 Report, Housing Needs Survey Report - 1 Sept 21, Housing Needs Survey Results 21, Works Report - 1 Sept 21, Church Lane Safety Signage Report,Drawings), PC Development Plan 2021-24

28th September 2021: Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 28 Sept 21 / Minutes - 28 Sept 21

6th October 2021: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 6 Oct 21 / Minutes - 6 Oct 21

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 6 Oct 21, External Auditor Report 20-21, Planning Report - 6 Oct 21, Works Report - 6 Oct 21, Bicester Police Group Report - 6 Oct 21, Oxfordshire Plan 2050 PC Response

3rd November 2021: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 3 Nov 21 / Minutes - 3 Nov 21

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 3 Nov 21, PC Accounts (Summary Q2 FY 2021-22, Bank Rec Q2 FY 2021-22, Income Q2 FY 2021-22), Planning Report - 3 Nov 21, Works Report - 3 Nov 21, CEE Bill Summary, OCC Aim & Priorities Overview

1st December 2021: Parish Council Meeting

Agenda - 1 Dec 21 / Minutes - 1 Dec 21

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 1 Dec 21, Planning Report - 1 Dec 21, CEE Bill Summary

2020 Meetings

9th January 2020:

Agenda - 9 Jan 20 / Minutes - 9 Jan 20

REPORTS:Clerk Report - 9 Jan 20, Planning Report - 9 Jan 20, Works Report - 9 Jan 20

5th February 2020:

Agenda - 5 Feb 20 / Minutes - 5 Feb 20

REPORTS:Clerk Report, Quarterly Accounts: Q3 Summary, Q3 Bank Rec, Planning Report, Works Report

4th March 2020:

Agenda - 4 Mar 20 / Minutes - 4 Mar 20

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 4 Mar 20, Planning Report - 4 Mar 20

21st March 2020 (Extraordinary Meeting):

Agenda - 21 Mar 20 / Minutes - 21 Mar 20

19th April 2020:

Agenda - 19 Apr 20 / Minutes - 19 Apr 20

3rd June 2020:

Agenda - 3 June 20 / Minutes - 3 June 20

REPORTS: Village Concerns, Clerk Report, Neighbourhood Plan Hearing Report, Affordable Housing, End of Year Accounts: Q4 Summary, Q4 Bank Rec, PC Donations Policy, Planning Report

1st July 2020:

Agenda - 1 July 20 / Minutes - 1 July 20

REPORTS: Clerk Report, Neighbourhood Plan, Affordable Housing, Draft Asset Register, PC Donations Policy, PC Summary of Internal Audit Report, PC Response to Internal Audit Observations Report, AGAR Form 2020, Planning Report, Works Report

5th August 2020:

Agenda - 5 Aug 20 / Minutes - 5 Aug 20

REPORTS: Clerk Report, Neighbourhood Plan Report, CDC Parish Liaison Meeting Report, Q1 2020-21 PC Accounts (Q1 20-21 Summary, Q1 20-21 Bank Rec), Planning Report, Works Report

2nd September 2020:

Agenda - 2 Sept 20 / Minutes - 2 Sept 20

REPORTS: Clerk Report,Cherwell Local Plan Report, Planning Report, Works Report

7th October 2020:

Agenda - 7 Oct 20 / Minutes - 7 Oct 20

REPORTS:Clerk Report, Draft PC Budget FY 2021/22. Playing Field & Spinney Purchase:(Finance Report, Risk Assessment,Legal Letter, Map). Neighbourhood Plan Report, Affordable Housing Report, Planning Report, North Lane Pond Report, Technology Report, Works Report

4th November 2020:

Agenda - 4 Nov 20 / Minutes - 4 Nov 20

REPORTS: Clerk Report, Affordable Housing Report, Great Wolf Appeal Report, Standing Orders, Risk Register, Financial Regulations, Donation Request, Q2 2020-21 PC Accounts (Q2 20-21 Summary, Q2 20-21 Bank Rec), Planning Report, Works Report

23rd November 2020 (Extraordinary Meeting):

Agenda - 23 Nov 20 / Minutes - 23 Nov 20

2nd December 2020:

Agenda - 2 Dec 20 / Minutes - 2 Dec 20

REPORTS: Clerk Report, Great Wolf Update - 2 Dec 20, Cherwell Parish Liaison Meeting - 2 Dec 20, Donation Request, Verge Grass Cutting Report, Verge Grass Cutting Maps, Budget FY 2021-22: (Overview, Breakdown), Planning Report, Works Report

2019 Meetings

23rd January 2019:

Agenda - 23 Jan 19 / Minutes - 23 Jan 19

6th February 2019:

Agenda - 6 Feb 19 / Minutes - 6 Feb 19

6th March 2019:

Agenda - 6 Mar 19 / Minutes - 6 Mar 19

27th March 2019 - Annual Parish Meeting:

Agenda - 27 Mar 19 / Minutes - 27 Mar 19

3rd April 2019:

Agenda - 3 Apr 19 / Minutes - 3 Apr 19

1st May 2019:

Agenda (PC & Annual Mtg) - 1 May 19 / Minutes - 1 May 19 / Minutes Annual PC Meeting - 1 May 19

REPORTS: Clerk Report, Neighbourhood Plan Report, Annual Parish Meeting Minutes DRAFT, School Field Report, Planning Update, Playground Report, Works Report, Expressway Report

Annual PC Meeting Reports: 2019 Finance Report, Code of Conduct

5th June 2019:

Agenda - 5 June 19 / Minutes - 5 June 19

REPORTS: Clerk Report, AGAR Return, Internal Auditors Report Response, Internal Auditors Report, Terms of Reference for Advisory Groups: Planning, Works, Finance, Governance, HR, Traffic, Email Policy, Planning Report

3rd July 2019:

Agenda - 3 July 19 / Minutes - 3 July 19

REPORTS: Clerk Report, Parish Liaison Meeting Report, Expressway Report, Transport AG Report, Planning Report

7 August 2019:

Agenda - 7 Aug 19 / Minutes - 7 Aug 19

REPORTS: Clerk Report, Village Meeting Notes, PC Quarterly Accounts: Q1 Summary & Q1 Bank Rec, Report on Renumeration Panel, Planning Report

4 September 2019:

Agenda - 4 Sept 19 / Minutes - 4 Sept 19

REPORTS: Clerk Report, Draft Donations Policy 19/20, Planning, Works Report

20th September 2019 (Extraordinary Meeting):

Agenda - 20 Sept 19 / Minutes - 20 Sept 19

10 October 2019:

Agenda - 10 Oct 19 / Minutes - 10 Oct 19

REPORTS: Clerk Report, Neighbourhood Plan, Great Wolf, Quarterly Accounts: Q2 Summary, Q2 Bank Rec, Draft Financial Regulations 19/20, Implications of new Financial Regulations, Childrens Allotment, Noticeboards, Planning Report, Traffic Report, Transport Report

6 November 2019:

Agenda - 6 Nov 19 / Minutes - 6 Nov 19

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 6 Nov 19, Draft Risk Register, Draft Asset Register, Planning Report - 6 Nov 19

2nd December 2019:

Agenda - 2 Dec 19 / Minutes - 2 Dec 19

REPORTS: Clerk Report - 2 Dec 19, Planning Report - 2 Dec 19, Works Report - 2 Dec 19

2018 Meetings

10th January 2018: Agenda - 10 Jan 18 / Minutes - 10 Jan 18
25th January 2018: / Minutes - 25 Jan 18
7th February 2018: Agenda - 7 Feb 18 / Minutes - 7 Feb 18
7th March 2018: Agenda - 7 Mar 18 / Minutes - 7 Mar 18
16th March 2018: Agenda - 16 Mar 18 / Minutes - 16 Mar 18
11th April 2018: Agenda - 11 Apr 18 / Minutes - 11 Apr 18
9th May 2018: Agenda - 9 May 18 / Minutes - 9 May 18
6th June 2018: Agenda - 6 June 18 / Minutes 6 June 18
4th July 2018: Agenda - 4 July 18 / Minutes - 4 July 18
1st August 2018: Agenda - 1 Aug 18 / Minutes - 1 Aug 18
9th August 2018: Agenda - 9 Aug 18 / Minutes - 9 Aug 18
5th September 2018: Agenda - 5 Sept 18 / Minutes - 5 Sept 18
3rd October 2018: Agenda - 3 Oct 18 / Minutes - 3 Oct 18
9th October 2018: Agenda - 9 Oct 18 / Minutes - 9 Oct 18
7th November 2018: <a href="media