Parish Council Key Information

Parish Councillors and Areas of Responsibility

Contact details for Parish Councillors are available on the Parish notice board and are shown below along with their area of responsibility.

Chairman: Diane Bohm (01869 352006) - Governance Lead, Finance, Village Outreach and Neighbourhood Plan

Vice-Chairman: Ben Lanham (07887 886138) - Playing field

Michael Aldridge (01865 600075)

Susan Davis (01869 350426) - Planning Lead, HR Lead, Finance and Neighbourhood Plan

John Miller (01869 350511) - Works Group

Tracy Rowan (07833 473357) - Finance Lead

The Register of Interest forms for Councillors can be accessed via Weston on the Green Parish Council's information page on the Cherwell District Council website.

If you’d like to know more about what Parish Councillors do please see the following documents:

Parish Councillors are elected to serve for a term of 4 years. The next election is scheduled to take place in May 2026.

Cherwell District Council have arrangements in place to deal with complaints of Councillor misconduct. A link to further information and a form can be found on the Cherwell District Council Complaints - Councillor Misconduct page.

A number of advisory groups also provide support to the Council including:

  • Traffic Calming & Transportation Advisory Group - Graham Barnett
  • Technology - James Henderson
  • Footpath Warden - Graham Barnett
  • Village Outreach - Diane Bohm

The Weston on the Green Parish Council is allowed up to eight Councillors in post at one time. If you are interested in finding out further information on joining or supporting the Parish Council please contact the Chairman, Vice-Chairman or Clerk on

Local Insight Profile for Weston on the Green area developed by Local Insight and OCSI can be accessed via the District Data Service.


Parish Council Meetings

Weston on the Green Parish Council usually meets on the first Wednesday of every month at the Village Hall, Weston on the Green at 7.30 p.m. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
The date of the next meeting and the proposed Agenda is posted on the Parish Council Notice Board (situated on the wall of the Village Hall) three full days before the meeting. You will find the same details on this website.

Parish Council meeting dates for 2024: 9th January (Tuesday), 7th February, 6th March, 3rd April, 1st May (including Annual PC Meeting), 5th June, 3rd July, 7th August, 4th September, 2nd October, 6th November, 4th December

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council must take place during May. During this meeting the Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the year are elected. In a Parish Council election year the Annual Parish Council meeting must take place between the 4th and 18th day after the election. The 2024 Annual Parish Council Meeting was held on 1st May 2024.

The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of the people of the parish and must take place between the 1st March and the 1st June. It is not a Parish Council meeting but an opportunity for the Parish Council to explain what it has been doing over the last year and it enables the electors to have their say on anything they consider is important to the people of the Parish. The 2024 Annual Parish Meeting was held on 15th April 2024.


Cherwell District Council Information

Cherwell District Council Councillors - Launton & Otmoor Ward which covers the parish of Weston on the Green:

Cherwell Link - news, events, and developments in the Cherwell district. Sign up via the Cherwell DC website.

Parish Liaison Meetings

Twice a year Cherwell members and officers hold a meeting for representatives of parish authorities with the purpose to raise and discuss issues of mutual interest. The agenda is set according to current issues and suggestions from parishes. At the June meeting "drop-in surgeries" are held by officers and partner organisations covering a broad range of topics suggested by parishes.

The last meeting was held on 8 November 2023 and the webcast can be viewed via: Parish Liaison Meeting - Wednesday 8 November 2023, 6:00pm - Cherwell District Webcasting (

The next Cherwell Parish Liaison meeting will be held on 12th June 2024. If you have any issues you would like the Parish Council to discuss with Cherwell District Council please do contact one of the Councillors or clerk.

Oxfordshire County Council Information

Weston on the Green's County Councillor is: Councillor Nigel Simpson - / 01865 372951

To keep informed on what the County Council are up to please register on their Lets Talk Oxfordshire website.

Residents can learn more about help available during the cost of living crisis at Oxfordshire County Council’s dedicated webpage

Oxfordshire County Council Customer Service Expectations

Oxfordshire County Council Financial Plans