Parish Council Financial Governance Documents & Accounts

Please find detailed below documents relating to the financial activities of the Parish Council.

Notes on the assets held by the Parish Council: Land the Parish Council holds in ownership includes the playing field and spinney and the Stocks Green, as documented in Deeds held in the Village Hall archive.

Weston on the Green Donations Policy

Weston on the Green Parish Council has a Donations Policy. In the annual budget the Parish Council includes a designated amount for donations to local causes.

The council seeks to prioritise donations to local initiatives or groups seeking to undertake activities to the benefit of the village. It will also consider donating funds to causes or issues facing Weston on the Green where our residents are championing activities to protect the interests of our village.

Anyone wishing to apply is asked to write to the Clerk of the Parish Council ( with a short summary of how much they would like, for what purpose and the timing for when the monies would be spent. The list of requests will be discussed and approved at the next Parish Council meeting.

2023-2024 Accounts

The end of year financial accounts for the year 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 have been completed and approved by the Parish Council. The relevant documents can be viewed below.

The Period of the Exercise of Public Rights will run from 10th June 2024 - 19th July 2024. Please contact the clerk should you wish to view the Parish Council's financial accounts (

Key Audit Documents:

The Annual Governance and Accounting Statements for 2023-24 are to be sent to the external auditor, the accounts are as yet unaudited. The limited assurance review is underway and the Parish Council will then wait to receive the External Auditor Report and Certificate 2023/24, along with a Notice of Conclusion of Annual Audit.

The appointed external auditor for the financial year 2023-2024 is:

Moore (Ref AP/HD), Rutland House, Minerva Business Park, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6PZ

The appointed internal auditor for financial year 2023-2024 was:

Paul Reynolds, Fair Account, 1 Roker Way, Fair Oak, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO50 7LD

2022-2023 Accounts

The end of year financial accounts for the year 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023 have been completed and approved by the Parish Council. The relevant documents can be viewed below.

The Period of the Exercise of Public Rights ran from 9th June 2023 - 20th July 2023. Please contact the clerk should you wish to view the Parish Council's financial accounts (

Weston on the Green Parish Council End of Year Accounts 2022-2023: Explanation of Reserves End FY 2022-23, Summary FY 2022-23, Explanation of Variances to Budget FY 2022-23

The accounting statements for 2022-23 have been audited by the external auditor. The limited assurance review is now complete and the External Auditor Report and Certificate 2022/23 has been received by Weston on the Green Parish Council, along with a Notice of Conclusion of Annual Audit.

The appointed external auditor for the financial year 2022-2023 was:

Moore (Ref AP/HD), Rutland House, Minerva Business Park, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6PZ

2021-2022 Accounts

The end of year financial accounts for the year 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022 have been completed and approved by the Parish Council. The relevant documents can be viewed below.

The Period of the Exercise of Public Rights ran from 15th June 2022 - 26th July 2022. Please contact the clerk should you wish to view the Parish Council's financial accounts ( and this can be arranged.

Weston on the Green Parish Council End of Year Accounts 2021-2022: PC Reserves End FY 2021-22, Summary FY 2021-22, Explanation of Variances to Budget FY 2021-22

The accounting statements for 2021-22 have been audited by the external auditor. The limited assurance review is now complete and the External Auditor Report and Certificate 2021/22 has been received by Weston on the Green Parish Council, along with a Notice of Conclusion of Annual Audit.

The appointed external auditor for the financial year 2021-2022 was:

Moore East Midlands, Rutland House, Minerva Business Park, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6PZ

2020-2021 Accounts

The end of year financial accounts for the year 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021 have been completed and approved by the Parish Council. The relevant documents can be viewed below.

The Period of the Exercise of Public Rights ran from 30th June 2021 - 10th August 2021. Please contact the clerk should you wish to view the Parish Council's financial accounts ( and this can be arranged.

Notice of Exercise of Public Rights (30th June 2021 - 10th August 2021)

Weston on the Green Parish Council End of Year Accounts 2020-2021: Summary FY 2020-21, PC Reserves End FY 2020-21, Explanation of Variances to Budget FY 2020-21

The accounting statements for 2020-21 have been audited by the external auditor. The limited assurance review is now complete and the External Auditor Report and Certificate 2020/21 has been received by Weston on the Green Parish Council, along with a Notice of Conclusion of Annual Audit.

The appointed external auditor for the financial year 2020-2021 was:

Moore East Midlands, Rutland House, Minerva Business Park, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6PZ

2019-2020 Accounts

The end of year financial accounts for the year 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020 have been completed and approved by the Parish Council. The relevant documents can be viewed below.

The Period of the Exercise of Public Rights ran from 10th August 2020 - 19th September 2020. Please contact the clerk should you wish to view the Parish Council's financial accounts ( and this can be arranged.

Notice of Exercise of Public Rights (10th August 2020 - 19th September 2020)

Weston on the Green Parish Council End of Year Accounts 2019-2020: Summary, PC Reserves, Explanation of Variances to Budget

The accounting statements for 2019-20 have been audited by the external auditor. The limited assurance review is now complete and the External Auditor Report and Certificate 2019/20 has been received by Weston on the Green Parish Council, along with a Notice of Conclusion of Annual Audit.

The appointed external auditor for the financial year 2019-2020 was:

Moore Stephens, (Ref SW/cc), Rutland House, Minerva Business Park, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6PZ

2018-2019 Accounts

The annual audit for the year 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 has been completed and approved by the Parish Council. The relevant documents can be viewed below.

The Period of the Exercise of Public Rights ran from 10th June 2019 - 19th July 2019.

Notice of Exercise of Public Rights (10th June 2019-19th July 2019)

Weston on the Green Parish Council End of Year Accounts 2018-2019:Year on Year,vs Budget & Cash Contingencies

The appointed auditor for the financial year 2018-2019 was:

Moore Stephens, (Ref SW/cc), Rutland House, Minerva Business Park, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6PZ

No further documentation or information was received from the External Auditor. The application for exemption was recognised as valid and the year is closed.

2017-2018 Accounts

The annual audit for the year 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018 was completed and approved by the Parish Council. The relevant documents can be viewed below:

In line with the revised assurance process for 2017-18 FY year no documentation was received from the External Auditor. The application for exemption was recognised as valid and the year is closed.

2016-2017 Accounts

2015-2016 Accounts

Income and Expenditure - Account Ledger

Income and expenditure have been recorded in a hand-written ledger for many years. One of the drawbacks of this type of accounting is that there is only a small opportunity (dependant of the size of the ledger) of giving a detailed breakdown of costs. The 2017-2018 accounts are being produced digitally allowing for a more helpful means of explaining costs - see 2016/17 example below.