Neighbourhood Plan

The current Neighbourhood Plan for Weston on the Green parish was drafted in 2018 and adopted (“made”) in May 2021, when it became a contributory part of the Cherwell Local Plan policies.

Weston-on-the-Green Neighbourhood Plan Made Version 19 May 2021

Weston on the Green Regulation 19 Decision Statement May 2021

Since 2018 there has been a change of national strategies for housing, the introduction of the Oxford - Cambridge Arc economic zone, an update of the Cherwell Local Plan to span the period to 2040 and a proposed Oxfordshire Strategic Rail Freight Interchange at Ardley. This changing landscape impacts on the Neighbourhood Plan and we feel that it is timely for us to review its policies to ensure their relevance in the light of these strategic changes at the local and national levels.

Neighbourhood Plan Review

The Neighbourhood Plan is scheduled a review by 2024-25. This has been delayed in line with the development of the updated Cherwell Local Plan to 2040, with which our policies must be aligned. We will review the current need for housing in the parish, taking into account changes in the demographics of our population and the current amenities available to residents and workers. It is important to note the housing numbers put forward in the Neighbourhood Plan are not binding, but indicative of the calculated need for housing and housing type in the parish. However, these numbers are tested on examination of the Plan and must carefully capture the needs and wishes of its community. In doing this we are working with the drafting team of the Local Plan document to ensure the new Neighbourhood Plan captures the objectives and aspirations of the Parish. The revised Neighbourhood Plan will be re-examined and may require a new referendum, dependent on the extent of changes proposed to the policies contained within.