Key Parish Council Documents

Below you will find key documents that relate to the work of the Parish Council:

Code of Conduct of Parish Councillors

Each local council must adopt and publicise a Code of Conduct that is in line with the Nolan principles – anybody who works as a public office holder (and this includes all those who are elected or appointed to public office) should work with Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty and Leadership. The code should deal with councillors’ obligations about their conduct including the registration and disclosure of their interests. Complaints about councillors’ conduct are dealt with by the principal authority (Cherwell District Council).

Weston on the Green has adopted the Oxfordshire Councils' Councillor Code of Conduct. All councillors, on election to office must sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office in which they agree to follow the Code of Conduct.

Register of Interests (ROI) – as part of the above Code of Conduct, all councillors must Register their “Pecuniary Interests” and “Other Interests”. The Register of Interests for each councillor can be found here: Register of Interests

If there is an item on the Agenda of a Parish Council meeting in which a councillor has a pecuniary interest then he/she should declare it and not participate in any dicussion or vote on the matter and should leave the meeting. An item on the Agenda may also be declared to be of prejudicial interest if it is deemd that the member's judgement of the item under discussion is likely to be prejudiced. In such cases the councillor should leave the meeting immediately after making any representations or answering any questions. The Oxfordshire Monitoring Officers Group have produced an advice note on bias, predetermination and conflicts of interest and Bias guidance. The note contains advice and guidance for councillors and parish clerks. It does not form part of the code of conduct itself and does not need to be formally adopted.

Standing Orders – are the guidelines for operating a local council. They include rules of procedure laid down in legislation and additional regulations chosen by the council. Standing orders help the council to operate smoothly. For example, a third of the councillors (or three, whichever is the greater) must be present for the meeting to go ahead; this is known as the quorum. The council can set a higher quorum for committees through standing orders if it wishes. Other standing orders will determine, for example:

  • the order of business
  • the length of meetings and the duration of speaking time
  • the schedule of meetings for the year
  • delegation to committees and officers
  • voting requirements
  • procedures for public participation.

Standing Orders for Weston on the Green Parish Council were approved at 1st May 2024 Parish Council meeting.

Powers of the Parish Council
Parish Councils have a wide range of powers which it can exercise although many are not appropriate for a village the size of Weston on the Green.

Council Policies

Civility & Respect Council Pledge Certificate (October 2022)

Councillor Vacancy Procedure Policy (approved 10th January 2023)

Councillor Casual Vacancy Application Form (approved 10th January 2023)

Data Protection Policy (approved 7th June 2023)

Dignity at Work Policy (approved 5th October 2022)

Document Retention Policy (approved 7th June 2023)

Donations Policy 2024 - 2025

Financial Regulations 2024 - 2025

Grievance Policy (approved 5th October 2022)

Internal Controls Policy (approved 10th January 2023)

Model Publication Scheme by Information Commissioner's Office (approved 7th June 2023)

Press & Media Policy (approved 3rd May 2023)

Social Media & Communications Policy (approved 5th May 2021)

Weston on the Green Parish Emergency Plan

Advisory Groups Terms of Reference: Finance, Governance, Planning, Staffing, Technology, Traffic Calming & Transport, Works

Parish Council Development Plan 2021 - 2024